Parts can be ratiometric or non-ratiometric. Ratiometric indicates that the device sensitivity is proportional to the device supply voltage, VCC. In addition, the device output at 0 A, also called VIOUT.(Q), is nominally equal tovcc / 2。Non-ratiometric devices will have VIOUT(Q) and sensitivity values stable over V科科斯群岛在规定的输入电压范围内的变化。当传感器的输入电压与ADC参考电压在同一条线上时,比率测量法非常有用。非比例元件在传感器输入电压有噪声或不稳定的应用中非常有用。不稳定V亚博尊贵会员科科斯群岛will produce a noisy output if the part is ratiometric.
灵敏度误差:ESENS= (((Measured Sensitivity) / Sens) -1) × 100(%)
总输出错误:Etot= ((VOUT–五理想)) / (Sens理想的× IP))× 100(%)
这application note更深入地讨论错误的来源和定义。
在Allegro Current Sensor device主页上,导航至“零件号规格和可用性”。在所需增益选项上选择“查看数据”。MSL评级包含在“材料申报报告”中。
One of the key benefits of Hall Effect current sensors is their inherent galvanic isolation. Because there is no electrical connection between the primary current path and the signal circuitry, much higher working voltages are available. There are several isolation parameters or tests included in the current sensor device datasheets such as:
电介质浪涌强度- The amount of voltage that can be handled of a pulse of known rise time, width, and amplitude.
介电强度- 发生在电击之前可以在电击前的电压和时间的量。这是在测量漏电流的同时测试一定的时间(通常为60秒),以确保未发生故障。
工作电压- 可以连续应用于设备的最大电压。它通常具有DC,峰值与峰值和RMS电压的指定值。
包描述符 |
SOICW-16. LA. |
SOICW-16. 嘛 |
SOICW-16. 马克 |
SOIC-8 LC1. |
SOIC-8 LC2. |
QFN-12. EXB. |
7针PSOF LR. |
5针 断路器 |
Picture |
Dimension |
10.3x10.3mm |
10.3x10.3mm |
11.3x13毫米 |
4.9x6mm. |
4.9x6mm. |
3x3mm |
6.4x6.4mm. |
14x22mm |
Conductor Resistance |
0.85 mΩ |
0.85 mΩ |
0.27mΩ. |
1.2mΩ. |
0.65米Ω |
0.6mΩ. |
0.2米Ω |
0.1 mΩ |
介电强度 |
rms.3600 V. |
rms.5000 V. |
rms.5000 V. |
rms.2400 V |
rms.2400 V |
NA. |
NA. |
rms.4800 V. |
工作电压 |
直流870 V. rms.616 V. |
直流1550V. rms.1097 V |
直流1618 V rms.1144 V. |
直流420 V rms.297 V. |
直流420 V rms.297 V. |
直流100 V rms.70伏 |
直流100 V rms.70伏 |
直流1358 V. rms.700 V. |
Allegro also offerscore and coreless field sensors。这些设备可以感测电流> 1000A并实现> 5000VRM的介电强度隔离。
The part output will continue to increase or decrease until it reaches a high (current > IPR) or low (current < IPR.)饱和点,在哪里PR.是该部件的电流传感范围。电压输出高/低(v哦/ V.ol.), sometimes referred to as Output Saturation Voltage (V坐(H / L)), is defined as the voltage that sensor output, VIOUT.,不会导致结果增加/降低电流。这可以在下图中看到。请注意,更改灵敏度不会改变饱和电压。
The functional range for the linear performance of VIOUT.及其相关的数据表参数,来自-i有效PR.to +IPR.。输出可以报告超出全尺度测量的电压,直到饱和点,但不保证超出满量程测量的参数。
上电时间,t宝, is defined as the time interval between a) the power supply has reached its minimum specified operating voltage (V科科斯群岛(min))和B)当传感器输出在施加的磁场下稳定在其稳态值的±10%内。在下面的范围捕获中可以看到输出和电源电压的一个例子:
每个Allegro电流传感器都包括用于V的引脚科科斯群岛,地面(GND),V出去,and a path for the primary current being sensed, if it is an integrated sensor. Some parts include additional pins for enhanced features. A list of these pins includes:
vref / vzcr-提供零电流输出电压(V.IOUT.(Q))连接到参考销。这允许差分测量和用户知道输出通道V的零电流电压IOUT.. (ACS37002,ACS730)
FAULT /Over Current Fault (OCF)- open drain output that will pull low when a current threshold has been met. The fault output may be latched or unlatched in operation (ACS37002,ACS71240,ACS720型,ACS732,ACS733,A1365)
五OC.- 某些部件可以使用外部电压选择过电流故障阈值。这是通过连接到V的电阻梯完成科科斯群岛别针。(ACS37002,ACS720型,ACS732,ACS733)
获得选择- 某些部件可以根据应用于增益选择引脚的逻辑改变增益,用于查找高或低输入(ACS37002)。
过滤器- 通过连接外部电容,VOUT滤波器位置可以设置(ACS720型,ACS724型/5)
噪音(input referred [mArms.] or output referred [mVrms.])是在指定带宽下计算的输出噪声的均方根值。
噪音密度(input referred [(µArms.)/√Hz] or output referred [(µVrms.)/√Hz])是噪声作为频率的函数。大致从噪声密度转换为噪声,乘以噪声密度√(带宽*π/ 2)(请注意,在较低频率下,约<1kHz,闪烁噪声或1 / f噪声,起到一个因素,并将影响整体噪音performance, i.e. not all noise is removed with a DC input).
The resolution of the device is equivalent to the noise input referred [mArms.]在所需的带宽处。如果使用噪声密度指定设备,则通过乘以噪声密度来转换为噪声√(bandwidth*π/2)。如果设备被指定为引用的输出,则通过敏感性除以引用的输入。
Another factor to consider when calculating resolution is the capability of the ADC in which the current sensor output is connected. The ADC resolution of the sensor output in amps is equal to:
(ADC Range [mV] ) / ( Device Sens [mV/A] * 2ADC ENOB [bits]-1)
例如,计算分辨率ACS732KLATR-20AB-T在1MHz带宽下,使用有效位数为11.5的5V ADC。ACS732规定噪声密度为55(µArms.)/√Hz.
Multiply this value by √(1MHz * π/2) to get a noise of 69 mArms.,它给出了传感器输出的分辨率。
接下来,计算分辨率=的ADC分辨率(5000 mV)/((100 mV)/ a *(211.5-1))。
这导致ADC分辨率为34.5 mA。在计算系统的总分辨率时,取出这两个计算的最大值,或在这种情况下,69 mA。
Low pass filtering of the Allegro current sensor output will decrease the noise but at the cost of device bandwidth. If a specific noise level or resolution is desired, solve for bandwidth (BW) in the following equation:desired noise = noise density * √(BW*π/2)。
接下来,选择生成所需带宽的R和C值。RC滤波器的带宽等于1 / (2*π*R*C). 使用足够低的R值以不影响ADC读数是很重要的。因为ADC通常具有高输入阻抗,所以通常可以接受约1欧姆或更小的值。
Listed in the datasheet for each device is a Selection Guide, typically located on page 2 or 3. While there is some variation from device to device in what is included in the device selection guide, some primary attributes of the selection guide are the part number, sensitivity (Sens), optimized current range (only applicable to integrated conductor sensors), operating temperature (TA), package type, and supply voltage (if the device has 5 V and 3.3 V variants). This table can be used as a guide when selection the current sensor for an application.
Common naming components to integrated and core-based sensors: Allegro current sensors begin with ACS (with the exception of legacy A1363/5/6/7), followed by a three to five digit part number. The part number is followed by a letter to indicate the operating temperature range of the sensor. The temperature range designation is followed by the package designator, which can be two/three digits. Following the package designation, integrated sensors then have a two letter designation for available packaging/shipping options and core-based sensors will have a two letter designation for the leadform option. Next, integrated sensors have a two/three digit current range value and the core-based sensors have the trimmed sensitivity value. This is then followed by the sensor’s directionality, bidirectional (B) or unidirectional (U). Next is the device’s nominal supply voltage level. Included at the end of the part name are custom features (custom fault level, set polarity, customer programmable, etc.). See the device specific datasheet for more information about the device’s part number. Note that legacy devices, like the ACS722/ACS723, ACS724/ACS725, and ACS732/ACS733, do not have a bidirectional or unidirectional designation in the name nor do they have a designation for nominal supply voltage. Different part numbers were made for 3.3 V and 5 V variants (i.e., the ACS724 is a 5 V device while the ACS725 is a 3.3 V device but these parts have identical functionality).
Examples of Naming Schemes:
融合的 (ACS71240):
A min/max limit guarantees that no devices will be above or below the min/max value when leaving the Allegro factory. Typical values are mean ± 3 sigma. This means that 99.7% of devices will fall within the typical values and none will fall outside the min/max limits within the specified operating temperature range, input voltage, or any other test conditions.
It is also important to note that Sensitivity Error (ESENS) and Total Error (ETOT) are specified at a given current (typically the full-scale current, or half-scale current). Error results may vary with different applied currents. The main example of this is Total Output Error at lower currents. For example, if the full-scale range of a part is 20A and there is a 5% maximum Sensitivity Error and 1A maximum Offset Error, maximum Total Output Error = 20 A * (5% / 100) + 1 A = 2 A or 10% of the full-scale applied current of 20 A. At 5 A applied with the same sensitivity error and offset, Total Output Error = 5*(5% / 100) + 1 A = 1.25 A or 25% of the full-scale applied current.
导航到Allegro Micro亚博棋牌游戏systems主页. Allegro电流传感器演示板以“ASEK”名称开始。例如,如果需要ASEK37800KMAC‐015B5‐SPI演示板来评估ACS37800KMACTR-015B5-SPI,请在Allegro主页右上角的“Check Stock”搜索栏中搜索ASEK37800。
参考Question 1 of the Design Support FAQ section了解缓解杂散领域。
另请参阅一般问题部分的问题6of the FAQ for more package information.
There are several ways to begin the product selection flow. The first would be based off the required isolation or package size. The following table provides an overview of the available packages (not including field sensors).
包描述符 |
SOICW-16. LA. |
SOICW-16. 嘛 |
SOICW-16. 马克 |
SOIC-8 LC1. |
SOIC-8 LC2. |
QFN-12. EXB. |
7针PSOF LR. |
5针 断路器 |
Picture |
Dimension |
10.3x10.3mm |
10.3x10.3mm |
11.3x13毫米 |
4.9x6mm. |
4.9x6mm. |
3x3mm |
6.4x6.4mm. |
14x22mm |
Conductor Resistance |
0.85 mΩ |
0.85 mΩ |
0.27mΩ. |
1.2mΩ. |
0.65米Ω |
0.6mΩ. |
0.2米Ω |
0.1 mΩ |
介电强度 |
rms.3600 V. |
rms.5000 V. |
rms.5000 V. |
rms.2400 V |
rms.2400 V |
NA. |
NA. |
rms.4800 V. |
工作电压 |
直流870 V. rms.616 V. |
直流1550V. rms.1097 V |
直流1618 V rms.1144 V. |
直流420 V rms.297 V. |
直流420 V rms.297 V. |
直流100 V rms.70伏 |
直流100 V rms.70伏 |
直流1358 V. rms.700 V. |
Because Allegro current sensors use the Hall Effect to measure current, any additional magnetic field seen at the hall element outside of the current being measured will affect the output of the sensor. These additional magnetic fields are generally called stray or common magnetic fields. The most common cause for stray magnetic fields is the presence of a high current trace or wire near the current sensor. To approximate error caused by a current carrying wire, model the magnetic field of the trace as an infinite wire whereB=µ* (一/(2)π×d) ()。
Bis the magnetic field in Gauss (G),µ是g等于自由空间的渗透性4π* 0.001,Iis the current in amps, andd是米的距离的线从一个点吗on the wire to the hall element perpendicular to the wire. Once the magnetic field is known, multiply by the magnetic coupling factor [G/A] (provided in most datasheets) which will result in an absolute error in amps. Once error is estimated, testing can be performed by removing the stray field generating wire or trace and retesting the sensor output. Another solution if the trace or wire cannot be removed is to pull the sensor off the board and wire the part off the PCB away from the suspected current carrying wire. Lastly, shielding can be utilized by placing a ferrous material around the sensor to block the stray field.
这application notedescribes in more detail the effects of magnetic field interference and shielding.
这application noteexplains in more detail how to estimate and mitigate common magnetic field when using sensors with dual hall elements.
以下is a check list to follow to verify the proper output of an Allegro current sensor:
TheASEK20is a device used to program and evaluate customer programable Allegro current sensors (the ASEK20 can be used for angle position, linear position, and digital position sensors). The ASEK20 is used in combination with the device specific daughterboard (which are available separately from the ASEK20). The ASEK20 is a benchtop validation and programming tool useful in characterizing and understanding the performance of Allegro current sensors. The ASEK20 is also useful in calibrating Allegro current sensors in the field. Device specific software applications can be found onAllegro’s Software Portal。
Customer Programable Allegro Current Sensors that can be used with the ASEK20: