作者:Wade Bussing,应亚博尊贵会员用工程师,
Allegro MicroSystems, LLC
This application note provides guidelines for implementing the Self-Test Diagnostic mode on theA1365型从Alle亚博棋牌游戏gro MicroSystems,以验证应用程序中的系统功能和安全性。要从Allegro MicroSystems了解更多关于A1365的信息,请参阅位于的设备数据表www.wangzuanquan.com。
The advent of Automotive Safety Levels has spurred an increase in safety requirements, making IC and sensor safety features as important as the target performance specifications in some applications. As safety goals multiply throughout the system design process, customers demand smart sensors that can be used to diagnose abnormalities in a system. The built-in Self-Test mode of the A1365 grants users such insight into their systems.
A1365上的自检模式从模拟输出覆盖整个信号路径(V.出去)以及过错output pins up to the connections to the Hall transducer. Refer to the block diagram of the A1365 in Figure 1 which highlights the injection point of the on-chip test voltage in green.
A1365 IC的所有销售版本都禁用了自检功能。然而,测试模式很容易启用使用Allegro A1365样本程序员和ASEK评估板。A1365示例程序员可在Allegro的软件门户网站https://registration.allegromicro.com。Contact your sales representative for information on acquiring an ASEK evaluation kit.
To enable the Self-Test mode on the A1365, power-on the device by pressing the “Power On” button[1]在A1365示例上,程序员如图2所示。确认设备正常工作
通过验证VCC,我CC, and Output values are reading as expected using the “Update” button[2].
编程器上的“内存”面板显示A1365设备上的所有可用寄存器,以及每个寄存器功能的简要说明[3]. Refer to Figure 3 for more information.
A1365型Samples Programmer
要启用自检模式,请参阅图4.向下滚动到字段“st_dis”(自检禁用)[7],choose the “Deselect All” button [8], then select only the “ST_DIS” field using the checkbox. Set the “ST_DIS” code column to “0” by typing “0” into the cell, or choosing the “Zero Selected” button[9]on the GUI. When ready, press the “Write Selected” button[10]to write the new value to \ EEPROM. It is best practice to read back the same register to verify the change. Choose “Read Selected”[11]to confirm the “ST_DIS” bit has been cleared. The Self-Test mode is now enabled.
A1365型Samples Programmer
启用后,可以通过拉动A1365来启动自测试模式过错pin low. The device does not enter the Self-Test mode immediately; the过错引脚必须保持较低的时间段大于“自检开始时间”,才能进入自检诊断模式。自检开始时间可编程,并在编程字段“ST\ U Start\ U Time”中指定。有16个代码对应于12个离散的开始时间值。
Self-Test Start Time is defined from when the过错引脚电压(V过错)低于Self-Test Threshold Voltage (VSTTH) until the sensor enters the Self-Test Sense mode. The sensor enters Self-Test Sense mode by driving the analog output to Self- Test Low Voltage (VSTL). 如果在自检开始时间的任何时候,传感器检测到超过编程故障阈值的磁输入,自检定时器将复位。
The plot in Figure 5 shows the time for V出去达到VSTLafter the过错pin is pulled low for all Self-Test Start Time codes on the A1365.
Self-Test Fault Request mode allows the user to verify the userprogrammed fault thresholds on the A1365. The device will enter Self-Test Fault mode after the过错pin is released for a time longer than Self-Test Fault Request Time (ST_FR_TIME).
After the pin is released, but prior to Self-Test Fault Request time expires, the output is driven to Self-Test High Voltage (V某事). 当设备进入自检故障请求模式时
表2中列出了自检故障请求时间(ST\u FR\u Time)及其相应延迟的可用代码。
In Self-Test Fault mode, the A1365 will drive V出去into saturation, both VSAT(H)和V.SAT(L). When V出去crosses the user-programmed fault thresholds (FLT_THRESH), the sensor’s FAULT pin will assert to indicate a fault condition. Note that this mode temporarily disables the clamps if the clamps are enabled.
The A1365 will drive and hold V出去to each test voltage for a period defined by Self-Test Fault Pulse Width Time (ST_FPW_TIME). The available codes for Self-Test Fault Pulse Width Time and their corresponding pulse width times are listed in Table 3.
Complete Self-Test Mode Sequence
The entire Self-Test mode sequence is shown in Figure 6. The applied magnetic field during the Self-Test Mode must be zero.
for the Sequence in Figure 6
- A1365的过错引脚从外部拉低以启动自检模式。A1365此时仍能正确响应磁场。
- The device enters Self-Test Sense mode after ST_START_ TIME and drives V出去到V.STL.
- V出去保持在VSTL直到过错pin is released.
- V出去被驱动到V某事对于自检故障请求时间的持续时间,ST\u FR\u Time。
- 设备进入自检故障请求模式,V出去被驱动到VSAT(H)在第一时间过错pin被断言。
- V出去被驱动到QVO进行ST\U FPW\U时间(10 ms)和过错pin重置。
- V出去被驱动到VSAT(L)对于ST\ FPW\ U时间(10 ms)和过错pin被断言。
- The Self-Test Sequence is complete and the device returns back to normal operation (mission mode).
图8中的应用示意图示出了这样的系统。A1365安装在层叠芯的间隙中,并用于感测由导体中的电流流产生的磁场。模拟输出,VOUT连接到ADC过错pin is connected to a general purpose I/O pin on the microcontroller. Assume the I/O-connected过错引脚在发生过电流的情况下发出系统中断。该中断提示微控制器通过断开导体中的电流与电流的连接来将系统放置在安全状态。
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