


By Eric Burdette and Mike Morris
Allegro MicroSystems, LLC

停止启动功能允许汽车通过关闭发动机并以短间隔重新启动诸如交通停止时来保护燃料。此功能需要先进的传感技术以高效。本文介绍了启动停止操作和启用霍尔效应集成电路,特别是Allegro Microsystems ATS694和上一代ATS658,用于本申请。亚博棋牌游戏



Start-Stop Operation

The start-stop concept is not a new idea; several 1980’s vehicle models were released to production with this capability. Technological improvements in the last few decades have made stop-start operation a more reliable function. Moreover, the ability of modern vehicles to accomplish a restart of the engine quickly is critical to widespread consumer acceptance of this function.





亚博棋牌游戏Allegro Microsystems,LLC提供了多种汽车级,齿槽,霍尔效应集成电路(IC),专门设计用于满足曲轴速度和用于启动系统的方向感测的要求。这些设备是在经过验证的霍尔技术之上,提供了数字非接触式的铁磁目标的感测。IC系列包括ATS658和ATS694,两者都被融合到用户友好的超模制IC中,该IC与稀土磁铁集成了霍尔效应电路。小型封装尺寸和集成磁系统可以易于组装并与各种目标齿轮和安装气隙一起使用。传感器电路与Allegro的制造设施中的后偏置磁体的组合确保了一致的设备性能,因为每个IC可以优化以匹配已知的磁路。

Although there are subtle differences between the two devices, both the ATS658 and the ATS694 contain three Hall elements used to generate two differential signals based on the magnetic stimulus produced by the rotation of the ferromagnetic target gear. The relative phase of the two signals is then used to determine the direction of target rotation. The sensor IC provides a digital voltage output signal where a short pulse is generated as the center of every target tooth passes by the device face. Two distinct output pulse widths differentiate whether the target is rotating in the forward or reverse direction. In this way, an engine control unit can determine both the speed of the target rotation, by looking at the period between consecutive pulses, and the direction of target rotation, by measuring the width of the output pulse.


Unique signal tracking methods are also implemented to maintain signal integrity during long periods of standstill. Digital direction detection algorithms ensure that no erroneous output pulses will be generated during target direction changes, which can occur during engine stopping events. The combination of these techniques and algorithms allows these devices to track the absolute position of a crank target throughout an engine stopping event, ensuring that the ECU knows the exact position of the crankshaft (and therefore camshaft) and enabling a rapid restart.

