Application and Advantages of Allegro's ATS344LSP Magnetically Back-Biased Differential Linear Sensor IC
Application and Advantages of Allegro's ATS344LSP Magnetically Back-Biased Differential Linear Sensor IC
B.y Yannick Vuillermet,
Allegro MicroSystems Europe Ltd.
This application note aims to give insight on typical use of the AllegroATS344LSP背部偏差差分线性传感器IC。该传感器的主要应用是测量线性运动,例如轴轴向位移。
For proper use, this sensor must be associated to a well designed moving ferromagnetic target. The back-bias arrangement and the differential sensing technique require a specific target shape to produce a useful magnetic signal.
The ATS344LSP includes a two-wire output interface and integrates a bypass capacitor into the package, which makes it suitable for decentralized sensing (typical in automotive applications) without the need for a printed circuit board.
The ATS344LSP offers unique performance benefits when compared to magnetic sensors generally used for linear position measurements.
In the following application note, the ATS344LSP sensing principle is described, advantages of its magnetic configuration are explained, and a typical user application is shown.
ATS344LSP Measurement Principle
The ATS344LSP comprises, in a single package, two Hall plates, HP1and HP2, separated by 3 mm, and a rare-earth magnet, positioned behind these sensing elements (see Figure 1).
The magnet is magnetized along the y axis and both Hall plates measure the field strength along the y axis. The sensor measures the differential field ΔB = B2- B.1。B.2是由HP测量的字段2and B1是由HP测量的字段1。
In Figure 2, the ATS344LSP sensor is placed in front of a basic ferromagnetic target. As a reminder, a ferromagnetic material is a material that gets magnetized when placed in an external magnetic field. Ferromagnetic materials also tend to concentrate local magnetic field lines. Most steels are ferromagnetic.
在这种情况下,目标作为传感器背部磁体的结果获取磁化。该目标磁化产生了其自己的磁场,由霍尔板HP感测1and HP2。
B.ecause of the target shape in Figure 2, Hall plate 1 senses
more field than Hall plate 2: the differential field ΔB1= B2- B.1is then negative and large.
铁磁靶 - 大差分场
When the target is moved to the left, as in Figure 3, the differential field ΔB2is still negative but the difference is much smaller between B1and B2。The reason for this change in differential magnetic field is the nonlinear behavior between the measured magnetic field level on a single Hall plate and the distance of the sensor to the target.
This nonlinear function can be seen in Figure 4, which demonstrates the typical behavior (with arbitrary units) of the field sensed by a single Hall plate versus the distance between this Hall plate and a ferromagnetic target. This figure also gives in red the case of Figure 2 and in green the case of Figure 3.
Target – Small Differential Field
Consequently, the differential field ΔB sensed by the ATS344LSP is a direct measure of the unique position of the target (Figure 5).
Position – Based on Figure 2 System
ATS344LSP与其他增效等优点etic Arrangements
The first common technique uses a single field measurement (for example, a single Hall plate) in association with a zero-gauss (or 0 G) ring magnet (Figure 6). The zero-gauss magnet is a magnet
designed to have no field at the Hall plate position (i.e. magnet baseline is zero). The ring magnet is also magnetized along the y axis.
Zero-gauss magnets are used with single Hall plate ICs to limit the inaccuracy of the sensor that results from temperature variation (for example, a SmCo rare-earth magnet loses around 4% of
A corresponding Allegro IC for these types of linear displacement measurements would be, for example, the ATS341LSE.
The field sensed by the Hall plate of such zero-gauss systems is a nonlinear measurement of the distance between the sensor and the moving ferromagnetic target: the closer the target, the stronger
The main advantage of the 0 G arrangement is the simplicity of the concept. The drawbacks are mainly the expensive 0 G magnet (compared to a rectangular magnet) and the sensitivity to external
perturbing magnetic fields—any external field perturbation will be directly sensed by the single Hall plate. Note that it is also usually necessary to calibrate this type of sensor in the application to compensate for variations in the actual mounting air gap.
Single Hall Plate Measurement
磁铁ic field generated by this magnet.
Much more information on this principle can be found in the Allegro application note: “Linear Position Sensing Using Angle Sensor ICs” available on Allegro’s website. A corresponding Allegro IC for these types of linear displacement measurements would be, for example, theA1335。
The configuration in Figure 7 has a low sensitivity to air gap variations and, depending on the magnet design, is the only technique described in this application note that is able to reach large
air gaps (>4 mm) and long travel distances (>10 mm).
The main drawback of such a configuration is the need to mount the magnet on the moving object to be sensed in the system. The process of mounting the magnet is expensive, and there is always
the potential for the magnet to become displaced from the object.
The use of a ferromagnetic target and an IC with an integrated back-bias magnet has many advantages, and there are also tradeoffs which must be considered. The main tradeoffs relate to the
operating air gap capability and the linear displacement sensing range of the IC. These parameters are limited by the size of the integrated magnet in Allegro SP package. For the SP package,
the typical maximum air gap is around 2 mm and the maximum sensed travel range is around 10 mm. In the case of a moving magnet technique, air gap capability and travel range can be much larger—at the cost of a very large and expensive magnet and reduced immunity to external perturbing fields.
涵盖了完整的周长of the shaft. This would also lead to an excessively large and expensive magnet.
As already discussed, the use of the ATS344LSP and a steel target to measure linear displacement is often much easier and less expensive when compared to mounting a discrete magnet.
0 g偏见 and single measurement (ATS341LSE) |
Moving magnet and 磁铁ic field angle measurement (A1335) |
ATS344LSP back-biased differential measurement |
Max air gap [mm] |
≈2 | >4* | ≈2 |
Typical stroke length [mm] |
≈10 | Depends on moving magnet Up to tens of mm* |
≈10 |
Typical accuracy |
中等的 | High* | 中等的 |
Calibration inside application |
Recommended | Can be avoided | Recommended |
Immunity to external perturbing field |
Low | Low | High |
Magnet | Integrated Complex shape |
Depends on application |
Integrated Simple shape |
Target | Ferromagnetic | Permanent 磁铁 |
Ferromagnetic |
Target mounting |
容易 | Difficult | 容易 |
* Having good air gap capability, long range, and/or good accuracy is always at the cost of a large and expensive moving magnet.
Data in Table 1 are typical values only. For more details regarding a specific application, contact a local Allegro engineer.
Typical Application Example
Note that all results below are derived from simulations, and may differ slightly from real world results.
In this example, the goal is to determine the position of a target (Figure 8). The target moves along the x axis.
To illustrate the performances of the ATS344LSP sensor, consider a typical application with the requirements below:
- Static air gap: 1.35 ±0.45 mm
- Dynamic air gap: ±0.05 mm
- Temperature range: –40 to 150°C
- Travel rangeR: 10 mm
- 2 point calibration is conducted by the user at the end points of the linear stroke: 10/90% PWM output expected at these positions
To have a proper input field range, a V-shaped target is used, which generates a bipolar differential field on the ATS344LSP sensor.
As indicated previously, the magnetic field does not decrease linearly with the applications air gap (Figure 4). Consequently, using a straight V-shape target (Figure 9) will intrinsically lead to
a nonlinear differential sensor output and to accuracy error. This error is called the target intrinsic nonlinearity.
However, target shape optimizations could compensate for this intrinsic nonlinearity. Indeed, the field tends to decrease very quickly at close air gaps and much more slowly at large air gaps. Therefore, a target having a larger slope in the middle of the V-shape (i.e. where the Hall plates actually sense a large air gap) could compensate for the nonlinear magnetic field behavior.
A proper target design must also account for other application parameters (dynamic air gap variation, for example) and the sensor IC errors (offset drift with temperature, sensitivity drift with
temperature, etc.).
Figure 10 shows a cross-sectional view of the optimum target for the application example. A target lengthLof 14 mm has been chosen to not only fit the travel range and the distance between
L ≥ R + 4 mm
higher position inaccuracy. A height larger than 4 mm would not increase the field substantially because the ferromagnetic material would be too far away from the sensor.
Figure 11 displays the differential field sensed by the ATS344LSP sensor in front of this optimum target versus target axial positionn and versus air gap. It can be seen that the differential field is linear at the nominal application air gap (1.35 mm) and at large air gaps, but deviates significantly at small air gaps. This is intentional: at small air gap the differential field sensed by the sensor is much higher (Figure 12) which makes the sensor much less sensitive to measurement errors (mainly IC offset drifts). Consequently, there is a compromise that must be made to obtain similar accuracy performance at small and large air gaps. At small air gaps, errors mostly come from intrinsic target nonlinearity, and at large air gaps, errors mostly come from sensor measurements errors.
Air Gap on Full Travel
Results given are valid for the full IC temperature range and include sensor lifetime drift. The error reported here is the maximum position error for the full range of target displacement. The
offset drift over lifetime considered is ±12 G (based on the reduced temperature cycle testing that was performed on a similar product; this number will be confirmed by future testing on ATS344LSP).
以下机械分布假设for performing the Monte Carlo analysis:
Parameter | Distribution | Mean [mm] | 标准 deviation [mm] |
Mounting Air Gap |
高斯 | 1.35 | 0.15 |
Max Dynamic Air Gap |
高斯; 只有积极的 保留值 |
0 | 0.05/3 |
Figure 13 shows the distribution of the maximum position error over the full travel range for all the simulation cases evaluated. It includes mounting air gap, dynamic air gap variation, temperature variation, sensor errors, and target intrinsic nonlinearity. Sensor errors include offset and sensitivity drift with temperature, offset and sensitivity lifetime drift, sensor resolution and nonlinearity. Note that % FS (% Full Scale) stands for the percentage of the full linear travel range.
The sensor is calibrated, after mounting in the application, such that the first end of the travel range returns 10% PWM and second end returns 90% PWM (see Figure 14).
larger than 9.4% FS or 0.94 mm.
Although output linearization was not performed to compensate for intrinsic target nonlinearity, the final accuracy of the sensor is reasonably good.
Figure 14 shows, for one random simulation case, the expected envelope of the sensor output with respect to all varied parameters.
relative to the mounting air gap range (0.9 to 1.8 mm).
Allegro Microsystems ATS344LSP magnetically back-biased differential linear sensor ICs offer unique advantages when measuring linear stroke position of a target or shaft. When compared to conventional zero-gauss back-biased linear ICs, or to magnetic角度传感器IC.sensing a moving magnet, the ATS344LSP offers:
- Elimination of magnets from the customer system
- 容易integration of a ferromagnetic target
- Very low sensitivity to external perturbing fields
Consequently, the ATS344LSP is recommended for use:
- 在苛刻的磁环境中,
- to simplify target mounting (cost reduction),
- to improve mechanical reliability of the target fixture in the application.
For more details on howATS344LSPwould perform in a specific application,contact a local Allegro application engineer。