A8512是用于背光的LCD监视器和电视的多输出WLED / RGB驱动器。它集成了一个升压控制器以驱动外部MOSFET和六个内部电流汇。升压转换器以恒定频率(可编程)电流模式控制为操作。
PWM dimming allows LED currents to be controlled in 500:1 ratio. The LED sink current is set by an external R_ISET resistor (see chart at right). More than one LED sinks can be combined together to achieve even higher current per LED string. Multiple A8512s can be connected in parallel, with one master controller controlling the boost stage, and up to five slave controllers, which act as LED sinks. This allows up to 36 LED strings to be powered by just one boost converter.
A8512从单个电源供电,为8至24 V.它提供防止过电压,开放或短路的LED串和过热。双层逐周期电流限制功能提供软启动并防止过载。
该装置设置在24引脚SOICW封装(LB)中,内部熔销引脚,用于增强的热耗散,以及28触点5mm×5mm QFN封装(ET)和24针TSSOP封装(LP),两者都有一个暴露的热垫,可增强热耗散。所有包装都是铅(PB),100%哑光锡引线框架。