By Trevor Buys and William Wilkinson,
多种应用,包括亚博尊贵会员工业自动化以及机器人技术电子动力转向(EPS)and motor position sensing require monitoring the angle of a rotating target. The design of any successful angle measurement system for such applications needs to be based on the user’s requirements. This application note covers the use of the AllegroA1339角度传感器IC对于需要传感器在多种任务模式下工作的电池亚博尊贵会员供电应用(汽车或非汽车)。
- Seat-belt passive safety systems
- EPS电机位置
该A1339is Allegro’s fastest 360° angle sensor IC and provides contactless high-resolution angular position information based on magnetic Circular Vertical Hall (CVH) technology. It has a
片上系统(SOC)架构,包括CVH前端,数字信号处理,SPI,ABI / UVW和PWM输出。它还包括片上EEPROM技术,可实现灵活的线
由功耗来描述A1339features a Normal Power Mode, a Low Power Mode, and an ultralow power Transport Mode.
第二个任务模式(低功率模式)可以被视为转向跟踪模式。在此模式下,传感器IC不需要以完全分辨率跟踪角度 - 它足以跟踪
the Turns Count value of the target. The size of one turns-count unit can be preselected via EEPROM setting in the A1339 to be either 180 or 45 degrees. The A1339 tracks –2048/+2047 turns
of LPM). The value is stored as a 12-bit 2’s complement signed value.
在正常功率模式下,IC消耗最大电流(名义上为12 mA,详见A1339数据表中的正常模式电源电流规格)以操作其全部功能集,并以内部平均设置(ORATE)选择的最快速率更新角度输出寄存器(详见A1339数据表)。
在低功耗模式(LPM)下,IC不通过SPI、PWM、UVW/ABI或曼彻斯特接口提供角度读数,大多数模拟和数字电路断电,传感器IC在两种不同状态之间周期性循环。大多数情况下,传感器IC保持在低功耗静态电流“休眠”状态(ICC.< 100 μA). In this state, power is removed from the analog transducer and no angle measurements take place.
Periodically, the sensor IC will enter an “awake” state to monitor the magnet position via a reduced power signal path and update the turns count (ICC ≈ 7 mA). The sleep-time of the Low Power Mode operation can be adjusted by the user based on the application, by programming on-chip EEPROM memory. Figure 2 shows average ICC.in μA versus the programmable sleep-time (t睡觉)。
SPI输入插脚(莫西人,SCLK CS)作为the primary arbiter of LPM. When all three pins are brought low for at least 60 μs, the sensor IC will enter Low Power Mode (“awake” state). The ABI and PWM pins are tristated and a majority of the digital and analog circuitry is powered down. If conditions [BT1] are met, the sensor IC will enter the “sleep” state and periodically cycle between the “sleep” and “awake” states to monitor the position of the magnet and update turns tracking.
该WAKE pin is used to externally force the “awake” [BT2] state. When the WAKE pin is brought above a programmable threshold, the sensor IC will enter its turns tracking “awake” state and monitor position. Likewise, if an excessive RPM is observed, the sensor IC will enter its “awake” state to prevent missed magnetic rotations.
Transport Mode
该A1339当唤醒引脚电压上升到V以上时,将从休眠状态退出唤醒状态唤醒(嗨) and return once the voltage drops below V唤醒(低)。
唤醒引脚高阈值水平,以及低值和高值之间的滞后,可通过EEPROM编程。这允许LPM睡眠的入口和出口与特定的RPM值一致,跨越一系列电机设计和整流电路实现。这些值是通过两个EEPROM字段控制的,即“wp\u thres”,用于调整V的阈值醒来(嗨)以及“wp_hys”,它控制V之间的滞后醒来(嗨)and V唤醒(低)。
Table 1: WAKE pin threshold and hysteresis control bits
字段Name | EEPROM(阴影)位置 | 大小(位) | 违约 | Function |
可湿性粉剂 | 0x1b(0x5b)[9:8] | 2 | 01.2 | Selects voltage difference between V醒来(嗨)and V唤醒(低)。50,150,300,400 mV选项。 |
wp_thres | 0.x1B (0x5B) [7:4] | 3. | 000.2 | 选择V.醒来(嗨)门槛。 |
尾流阈值 | 尾迹滞后 | 阈值(上升) (毫伏) |
Hysteresis Voltage (毫伏) |
门槛 (坠落) (毫伏) |
比特2 | 比特1 | 比特0 | 比特1 | 比特0 | |||
0. |
0. | 0. | 0. | 0. | 300 | 50 | 250. |
0. | 0. | 0. | 0. | 1 | 300 | 150 | 150 |
0. | 0. | 0. | 1 | 0. | 300 | 300 | 10.0. |
0. | 0. | 0. | 1 | 1 | 300 | 400 | 10.0. |
0. | 0. | 1 | 0. | 0. | 350. | 50 | 300 |
0. | 0. | 1 | 0. | 1 | 350. | 150 | 20.0. |
0. | 0. | 1 | 1 | 0. | 350. | 300 | 10.0. |
0. | 0. | 1 | 1 | 1 | 350. | 400 | 10.0. |
0. | 1 | 0. | 0. | 0. | 400 | 50 | 350. |
0. | 1 | 0. | 0. | 1 | 400 | 150 | 250. |
0. | 1 | 0. | 1 | 0. | 400 | 300 | 10.0. |
0. | 1 | 0. | 1 | 1 | 400 | 400 | 10.0. |
0. | 1 | 1 | 0. | 0. | 4.5.0. | 50 | 400 |
0. | 1 | 1 | 0. | 1 | 4.5.0. | 150 | 300 |
0. | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0. | 4.5.0. | 300 | 150 |
0. | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 4.5.0. | 400 | 10.0. |
1 | 0. | 0. | 0. | 0. | 500 | 50 | 4.5.0. |
1 | 0. | 0. | 0. | 1 | 500 | 150 | 350. |
1 | 0. | 0. | 1 | 0. | 500 | 300 | 20.0. |
1 | 0. | 0. | 1 | 1 | 500 | 400 | 10.0. |
1 | 0. | 1 | 0. | 0. | 550 | 50 | 500 |
1 | 0. | 1 | 0. | 1 | 550 | 150 | 400 |
1 | 0. | 1 | 1 | 0. | 550 | 300 | 250. |
1 | 0. | 1 | 1 | 1 | 550 | 400 | 150 |
1 | 1 | 0. | 0. | 0. | 600 | 50 | 550 |
1 | 1 | 0. | 0. | 1 | 600 | 150 | 4.5.0. |
1 | 1 | 0. | 1 | 0. | 600 | 300 | 300 |
1 | 1 | 0. | 1 | 1 | 600 | 400 | 20.0. |
1 | 1 | 1 | 0. | 0. | 650 | 50 | 600 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 0. | 1 | 650 | 150 | 500 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0. | 650 | 300 | 350. |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 650 | 400 | 250. |
该A1339它的设计使得它可以根据不同的系统参数在正常功率模式(NPM)、低功率模式(LPM)和传输模式(TM)之间进行转换。类似地,传感器IC将根据磁转速在LPM的两种不同工作状态之间转换,或超过尾针阈值(V醒来(嗨)). 这可确保在传感器IC处于低功率模式时,不会因目标旋转过快而丢失有价值的TC信息。
To better understand this, consider a few scenarios based on the state diagram shown in Figure 5, as well as the information shown in Table 3. Assume that the sensor IC is powered up and in NPM. It would therefore be able to provide all the functionality as described under NPM in Table 3. Now, if the controller decided to save power and enter LPM, then it would have to satisfy the conditions outlined in branch A of Figure 5.
基于编程的T睡眠睡觉. 相反,通过满足分支C的先决条件,传感器IC可以被外部强制进入其唤醒状态。
正常功率模式 (净现值) |
低功率模式 (LPM) |
Transport Mode (TPM) |
角度传感器 Functionality |
*TC values are tracked in LPM, but available for read-only upon exiting LPM. |
当前 Consumption |
每模14 mA标称值 | 10.0.μA nominal per die* *ICC根据可编程 |
每个模具的标称电流约为60μA |
Transport Mode must be enabled prior to bringing the SPI lines low. This is accomplished by writing a 6 to the “special” operation field within the CTRL serial register (0x1E).
Once enabled, the next time the sensor IC detects a LPM request (indicated by the SPI lines being brought low), it will enter Transport Mode.
地址 (0x00) |
寄存器 符号L. |
寻址字节(MSB) | 寻址字节(LSB) | LSB地址 |
15. | 14. | 13. | 12. | 11. | 10. | 9. | 8. | 7. | 6. | 5. | 4. | 3. | 2 | 1 | 0. | ||||
0x1e. | Ctrl. | 特殊的 | 0. | cls公司 | slw公司 | 克莱 | 启动\u特殊 | 0x1f. |
“lpm\u wake\u threshold”指定“wake”状态之间的最大角度增量。这些字段与“lpm\u cycle\u time”一起指定传感器IC将进入其“睡眠”状态(SAWAKE(TH))的最大转速。默认设置为≈100 RPM。
If the measured RPM exceeds this value, the A1339 will not reenter its “sleep” state and will instead continuously monitor turns, until the RPM drops below the threshold with default values.
字段 | EEPROM地址[位] (阴影) |
违约 | Value | Function |
t45级 |
0x1d.(0x5D)[23] | (1) | 0. | Turns are incremented/decremented every 180 degrees |
1 | 转弯递增/递减每45度 | |||
胎压监测器 | 0x1D(0x5D)[21] | 0. | 0. | 允许使用传输模式(仍然必须通过CTRL寄存器发出) |
1 | 禁用传输模式 | |||
LPMD. | 0x1d(0x5d)[20] |
0. | 0. | 启用LPM |
1 | Disables LPM | |||
lpm\周期\时间 | 0x1d(0x5d)[17:12] | (001011)2 (11)10. |
- | 低功率循环(休眠)时间,增量为8.192 ms。遵循公式[(n+1)×8 ms]。默认值为98.3毫秒。 |
lpm\U唤醒\U阈值 | 0x1D(0x5D)[10:0] | (01010011111)2 (671)10. |
- | 与尾流速度相等的角差 门槛。在正常功率模式下也用于决定进入LPM。12位角度分辨率。0-180度。默认为59°。 |
Maximum RPM for a Given Sleep Time
θ = 6ν × t + ½ × αt2(1)
其中θ是最大期望角行程,通过“lpm\U wake\U threshold”字段设置,
α在给定ν中预期的最大加速度是(IN°/ s2)。
图6显示了给定睡眠时间的最大转速,假设每个睡眠周期的默认最大角度偏差为59°(lpm\u wake\u threshold)。选择此默认角度偏转时,应确保A1339当使用默认睡眠时间时,将以100 RPM退出睡眠模式。由于该值是EEPROM可编程的,因此可以将其调整为稍微不太保守的值。调整此值时,Allegro建议将其设置为不大于90°(如果在一个睡眠周期内检测到大于135°的磁铁偏转,则TCW警告标志将显示)。这提供了180度的安全裕度,之后相对方向的变化是不明确的。
高加速率下的主导因素。即使初始速度为0 RPM,恒定加速度也为6000°/s2for 150 ms will result in greater than 59° of angular deflection. Therefore, it is not just the maximum RPM, but also the maximum acceleration which determines the length of sleep time, and thus the final LPM ICC.值。
最大转速 | 平均ICC.(μA) |
1200 | 220. |
600 | 140. |
400 | 110. |
220. | 90 |
10.0. | 75 |
除了提供非接触式磁角度传感的所有标准优点之外A1339also offers the ability to operate in stringent battery-powered (including automotive) systems that require low power consumption. Lastly, with its ability to track Turns Counts in both normal and low-power mode, theA1339理想地适用于简化复杂的机械设计,用于在关键状态下跟踪磁性目标位置,而不会影响系统的整体稳健性和可靠性。
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