亚博棋牌游戏Allegro Microsystems宣布普通律师过渡
亚博棋牌游戏Allegro Microsystems宣布普通律师过渡
克里斯布朗被任命为Richard Kneeland的继任者
亚博棋牌游戏Allegro Microsystems是一种传感和权力半导体解决方案的全球领导者,今天宣布克里斯布朗已加入执行领导团队,成为高级副总裁,总法律顾问和助理公司秘书。克里斯是Richard Kneeland的继承人,自2007年以来allegro的普通法律顾问,他已经过渡到高级副总裁,特别律师和公司秘书支持特定的企业活动的作用。
“During Rich’s 13 years as General Counsel and a member of the executive team, we worked together to strategically transform Allegro’s global operating structure and to execute the transaction that brought in One Equity Partners as our new shareholder” said Ravi Vig, President and CEO of Allegro. “The Board of Directors and I appreciate Rich’s ongoing leadership and advisement, and I’d like to thank Rich for his many contributions, particularly in enhancing our governance and growing our intellectual property portfolio. Because of his efforts, our legal function is poised for future success.”
在加入Allegro之前,Chris Brown担任Finisar Corporation的首席律师和秘书,这是一个全球技术领导者的光学通信组件和子系统,在那里他在多个公共财务和收购交易中发挥了乐器作用。