亚博棋牌游戏Allegro Microsystems., Inc. Recognized for Environmental Leadership
亚博棋牌游戏Allegro Microsystems., Inc. Recognized for Environmental Leadership
伍斯特·马斯特(伍斯特)今天在举行仪式上,Toxics使用的代表使用减少法案(Tuta)计划和州立法者提供Allegro Microsystems,Inc。颁发承认公司的环境领导。亚博棋牌游戏
亚博棋牌游戏Allegro MicroSystems是马萨诸塞州伍斯特500人雇主,是英联邦的17家公司之一,被毒业围绕着由Toxics(Tura)计划作为“Tura 20周年领导者”。奖项和设施旅游旨在展示环境成就 - 使用更安全的材料,废物减少和节能 - 由于1989年颁布了Toxics使用减少法案。
“这是对我们的特殊认可,因为我们的毒品使用减少团队努力实现这些结果,”Allegro Microsystems的高级环保工程师唐·阿尔格尔说。亚博棋牌游戏“我们在伍斯特的总部设施的积极学步和资源保护计划在伍斯特的竞争力方面是我们在业内竞争力的贡献。”
减少有毒物质使用行为在2006年被扩大to include water conservation, energy conservation and waste reduction — and Allegro has achieved significant improvements in these areas as well. As part of its ongoing resource conservation efforts, Allegro has reduced water use by 65 percent, or 94 million gallons a year between 1996 and 2009. During this same period it has reduced oil/natural gas consumption by 14 percent and electricity by 21 percent. Also during this period Allegro has reduced waste generation of items such as chemical containers, cardboard, scrap metal, and regular trash by 398 tons or 82 percent, with the reduction of 25 tons occurring in 2009 alone.
The Toxics Use Reduction Act does not ban chemical use but requires companies to evaluate toxic chemical use, submit usage reports and plans to the state that assess the financial implications of switching to safer alternatives or making changes in production. Since 1989, Massachusetts companies voluntarily reduced toxic chemical use by 41 percent, waste by 71 percent and on-site releases by 91 percent.