提供四种一般的霍尔效应IC设备,提供数字输出:单极开关,双极开关,全峰开关和锁存器。在本申请中描述了单极开关。类似的应用笔记bipolar switches那全极开关那and闩锁提供在Allegro网站上。
Unipolar Hall-effect sensor ICs, often referred to as "unipolar switches," are operated by a positive magnetic field. A single magnet presenting a south polarity (positive) magnetic field of sufficient strength (magnetic flux density) will cause the device to switch to its on state. After it has been turned-on, the unipolar IC will remain turned-on until the magnetic field is removed and the IC reverts to its off state.
阿明费申请检测的位置icle gear-shift lever is shown in figure 1. The gear-shift lever incorporates a magnet (the red-and-blue cylinder). The line of miniature black boxes is an array of unipolar switch devices. When the vehicle operator moves the lever, the magnet is moved past the individual Hall devices. The devices near the magnet are subjected to the magnetic field and are turned-on, but more remote devices are not affected and remain turned-off. Note that the south pole of the magnet (colored red) is toward the Hall devices, and that the Hall devices are oriented with the branded face of the device toward the magnet south pole.
图1。An application using unipolar switch sensor ICs. The ultra-small Hall ICs switch as the magnet (red and blue cylinder) moves past them during gear-shifting.
Magnetic Switchpoint Terms
The following are terms used to define the transition points, orswitchpoints.,霍尔开关操作:
- B.− The symbol for Magnetic Flux Density, the property of a magnetic field used to determine Hall device switchpoints. Measured in gauss (G) or tesla (T). The conversion is 1 G = 0.1 mT.
B可以具有北极或南极极性,因此请记住代数惯例是有用的,由此B被指示为北极磁场的负值,以及作为南极性磁场的正值。本公约允许北方和南极度值的算术比较,其中该字段的相对强度由B的绝对值表示,并且标志表示该字段的极性。例如,A - 100克(北)场和100克(南)场具有等效强度,但极性相反。以同样的方式,a - 100g字段比a-50 g字段强。 - B.OP- 磁功工作点;霍尔设备接通的强化磁场的水平。所得到的设备输出状态取决于各个设备电子设计。
- B.rp.- 磁释放点;霍尔器件关闭的弱化磁场的水平(或用于某些类型的霍尔设备,给出阳性b的强化负面的水平OP). The resulting state of the device output depends on the individual device electronic design.
- B.HYS.- 磁开关点滞后。霍尔设备的传递函数在开关点之间的偏移设计,以在磁场中过滤出小的波动,该磁场可能是应用中的机械振动或电磁噪声。B.HYS.= |B.OP− Brp.|。
当单极开关打开时,取决于器件IC输出级的设计,所产生的输出信号可以是逻辑高或逻辑低电平。图3显示了单极开关的可能输出状态。顶面板表示设计为输出逻辑低的开关(在输出晶体管饱和电压,V出(坐)通常在强南极地场中的<200 mV)。底部面板表示开关,该开关设计为输出逻辑高(直至全电源电压,VCC.)在相同的条件下。
虽然磁场比b更积极rp.那the device remains turned-on, and the output state remains unchanged. This is true even if B becomes slightly less positive than BOP,在开关滞后的内置区域内,BHYS.。
上拉电阻必须连接在设备电源和输出引脚之间(参见图4)。上拉电阻的常用值范围为1至10kΩ。最小上拉电阻是霍尔IC最大输出电流的函数(通常设计为沉积电流的设备)和电源电压。20 mA是典型的最大输出电流,在这种情况下,最小上拉将是vCC./ 0.020 A.
Refer to figure 4 for a layout of bypass capacitors. In general:
- 对于没有斩波稳定的设计 - 建议将0.01μF电容放在输出和接地引脚之间以及供电和接地销之间。
- 对于具有斩波稳定的设计 - 电源和接地引脚之间必须放置0.1μF电容,并且在输出和接地引脚之间建议使用0.01μF电容。
设备类型 | 上电时间 |
没有切碎机稳定 | <1 µs |
随着斩波稳定 | <25 µs |
B.asically, this means that prior to this elapsed time after providing power, device output may not be in the correct state, but after this time has elapsed, device output is guaranteed to be in the correct state.
- 大厅设备消耗的功率,排除在输出中消耗的功率。这个值是vCC.电源电流的时间。V.CC.是设备电源电压,电源电流通常在数据表上指定。例如,给定VCC.= 12 V和电源电流= 9 mA,功率耗散= 12×0.009或108 MW。
- 输出晶体管中消耗的功率。这个值是v(坐了)输出电流(由上拉电阻设置)。如果V.(坐了)是0.4 V(最坏情况),输出电流为20 mA(通常最坏情况),功耗耗散为0.4×0.02 = 8兆瓦。正如您所看到的,因为饱和电压非常低,输出中的功率不受巨大的关注。
Total power dissipation for this example is 108 + 8 = 116 mW. Take this number to the derating chart in the datasheet for the package in question and check to see if the maximum allowable operational temperature must be reduced.
A: The magnet south pole is directed towards the branded face of the device package. The branded face is where you will find the identification markings of the device, such as partial part number or date code.
Q: Can I approach the device package back side with the magnet?
A: Yes, however bear this in mind: if the poles of the magnet remain oriented in the same direction, then the orientation of the flux field through the device remains unchanged from the front-side approach (for example, if the south pole was nearer the device in the front-side approach, then the north pole would be nearer the device in the back-side approach). The north pole would then generate a positive field relative to the Hall element, while the south pole would generate a negative field.
Q: Are there trade-offs to approaching the device back side?
Allegro unipolar devices are listed in the selection guides on the company website, at开关和闩锁。