Joystick with Allegro Position Sensor IC
Joystick with Allegro Position Sensor IC
由Christophe Lutz和Andrea Foletto,
亚博棋牌游戏Allegro MicroSystems欧洲有限公司
操纵杆广泛应用人机接口(HMI)that simultaneously report information on direction and amplitude. Stick tracking is realized by use of a magnet and a magnetic
position sensor.
本文档介绍了如何实现2D或3D磁传感器以获得具有明确行为的操纵杆。本说明提供了两个跟踪方法的见解:直接跟踪andR.atio tracking。直接的tracking offers a straightforward implementation, while ratio tracking offers excellent robustness to stick mechanical play. Finally, this application note assesses the relative robustness of these techniques to parameter variations (mounting and in-life).
Joystick Description
Mechanically, a joystick consists of a stick that pivots through a ball joint on its base. Figure 1 provides a cross-sectional view of a joystick.
To track the position of the stick, a magnet is integrated on the bottom of the ball in order that the ball and magnet move as a unit when the stick is actuated. A magnetic position sensor should be placed beneath the magnet at a suitable distance, denoted asair gap。
Stick Tracking
Increasing the tilt of the stick increases the sensed signal, since the in-plane magnetic field components are increased. To focus on the responsivity of the joystick with respect to the tilt,θ,排除方向信息是方便的。
R.可以表示x(当φ= 0°)或y(当方向是任意时的任何组合。位置图中的棒位置点的响应值定义为:
In practice, responsivity is also dependent on the orientation of the stick, φ, but this dependence can usually be excluded with respect to other parameters such as air gap.
As will be demonstrated in the next section, responsivity is closely related to the distance from the magnet to the sensor since it can exacerbate or dampen magnet border effect, short-scale
For joystick applications, air gap is defined at no tilt,θ= 0°。
Air gap as defined in Figure 2 is a key parameter in the application that will both affect the selection of sensor and the final responsivity of the stick. This parameter must comply with the following mechanical and magnetic constraints.
Minimum air gap, AGMIN(MECH) can be deduced by considering the limit contact case in Figure 4.
磁性约束来自信号电平要求。传感器通常能够感测给定范围的磁场而不经历饱和度。对于正确的行为,重要的是确保传感器在实施过程中不饱和。在实践中,这种非饱和条件为气隙提供了额外的约束,AGMIN(MAG), depending on the sensitivity of the sensor, the shape and remanent magnetic field of the magnet, and the maximum tilt angle, θMAX。When considering a joystick consisting of a ball joint of 10 mm diameter, a cylindrical magnet of 1 T, diameter 5.4 mm, length 1 mm, and which can be tilted ofθMAX= 25°,模拟导致表1中所示的最小气隙值。
传感范围(g) |
x / y没有饱和 | No Saturation on z | |
±500. | 1.5 mm | 2.1 mm |
±1000 | 0.9 mm | 1.1 mm |
±2000 | 0.5毫米 | 机械有限 |
Generally, for joysticks that use only small tilt angles (θMAX«25°),非饱和约束在Z轴相对于X / Y轴上更加限制。为此目的,Allegro已经开发出传感器,例如ALS31300,Z轴上具有不同的传感范围。
直接的and Ratio Stick Tracking
As mentioned previously, stick position information is contained in the sensed magnetic field on the x and y axes.
直接的stick tracking plots stick position by using the data sensed in x and y directly. The simplicity and general accuracy of this technique is sufficient for most applications. Its major drawback is its vulnerability to dynamic air gap variations that may occur during the lifetime of the product. This variation is typically from vertical play of the stick. For instance, pressing on the stick may cause the stick position point in the position plot to jump to another value. A dynamic air gap reduction will always lead to an increase of the magnetic field sensed.
为了对抗这种不需要的效果,可以实现比率杆跟踪技术。当气隙变化时,X和Y上感应的值将更多或更少具有与在Z轴上的值感测的相同的变化。因此,使用x / z和y / z而不是单独的x和y将显着降低气隙依赖性。虽然比率棒跟踪更加稳健,但它确实影响了响应曲线。
This transformation simply rescales the position plot (see Figure 5). All results contained by direct stick tracking can be straightforwardly translated to ratio stick tracking by substituting x (respectively y) by x/z (respectively y/z). As an example, the distance from the stick position point to the center of the position plot becomes:
To explain the effect of the air gap, simulation for a joystick made of a ball joint of 10 mm diameter, a cylindrical magnet of 1 T, diameter 5.4 mm, length 1 mm, and which can be tilted of θMAX= 25°,可分别提供如图6和图7所示的结果,分别用于直接和比率杆跟踪。
- Large air gap leads to almost linear response over the tilt angle range.
- 低气隙导致操纵杆,其用小θ角度线性响应,而特征变为大角度的非线性。此功能在需要精度和范围(高角度高响应度)的应用中很有趣。
- 由于曲线的叠加所示,气隙的效果被巨大地降低。
- Regardless of the air gap, the joystick response is linear for small θ angles, while the characteristic becomes nonlinear for large angles. This feature is interesting in application requiring both precision and range (high responsivity at high angle).
The air gap addressed from previous considerations (constraints and behavior), the position of the sensor is fully determined.
Now, the two tracking techniques can be confronted in terms of their robustness against variations due to:
- Mounting precision
- Mechanical play
- 传感器displaced with respect to the stick axis.
- 磁铁相对于杆轴移位。
- Air gap smaller or larger with respect to its reference value.
错误被量化为杆位置点的理想和漂移位置之间的距离。为了比较直接和比率棒跟踪技术,它们的错误被分别表示为它们的全尺度(FS)值的百分比,即rMAXand r比率(最大)。
仿真假设:球接头直径10毫米,气隙为1.2毫米,圆柱形磁体为1 T,直径为5.4毫米,长度为1mm,θmax= 25°。
仿真假设:球接头直径10毫米,气隙为1.2毫米,圆柱形磁体为1 T,直径为5.4毫米,长度为1mm,θmax= 25°。
仿真假设:球接头直径10毫米,气隙为1.2毫米,圆柱形磁体为1 T,直径为5.4毫米,长度为1mm,θmax= 25°。
仿真假设:球接头直径10毫米,气隙为1.2毫米,圆柱形磁体为1 T,直径为5.4毫米,长度为1mm,θmax= 25°。
仿真假设:球接头直径10毫米,气隙为1.2毫米,圆柱形磁体为1 T,直径为5.4毫米,长度为1mm,θmax= 25°。
From these plots, several observations can be made:
- Large tilt angle will always exacerbate the error due to sensor displacements.
- Ratio tracking is more robust to air gap variations.
- 直接跟踪对面内位移比比率跟踪更强大。
Note that the maximum error depends on the maximum tilt angle θMAX and on the dimensions of the joystick.
Table 2: Maximum errors due to parameters drifts, no post-processing
Error %FS/0.1 mm |
直接的 Tracking |
Ratio Tracking |
Qualitative Effects |
Air Gap 0.1 mm在z |
10.8 |
1.6 |
Changes responsivity |
传感器 0.1 mm in x 在y中0.1毫米 |
7.0 |
16.5 |
在位置绘图中添加偏移量 |
Magnet 0.1 mm in x 在y中0.1毫米 |
5.5 |
15.5 |
改变响应性; |
Error, %FS | 直接跟踪 | Ratio Tracking |
Air Gap 0.1 mm在z |
10.8×垂直播放 |
1.6×垂直播放 |
传感器 0.1 mm in x 在y中0.1毫米 |
~0 |
~0 |
Magnet 0.1 mm in x 在y中0.1毫米 |
~0 |
~0 |
Generally, the direct stick tracking method will exhibit sufficient immunity to misplacements during mounting, though control of air gap is required.
Assume the error due to mounting is reduced by compensative post-processing. Once this systematic error is corrected, the system can only have errors due to mechanical plays. In practice, the
直接的and ratio stick tracking techniques have been presented; Table 4 summarizes their key features:
Table 4: Tracking Method Comparative Table
Tracking | 直接的 | Ratio |
位置情节 | X,Y. | x/z, y/z |
ag min。 | Limited by no saturation on x and y |
Limited by no 饱和在x,y和z上 |
ag max。 | Limited by SNR | Limited by SNR |
与倾斜的线性 | 高效改善 | Requires Post- 加工 |
Precision and Range | 在低AG改善 | Present at all AG |
Mechanical constraints |
AG控制 |
传感器和磁铁 放置 |
Mechanical constraints 随着后处理 |
限制水平 vertical plays |
Limit horizontal plays |
AG dependence | 是的 | No |
Generally, for an application that does not require extreme precision, a direct stick tracking method will be sufficient. To make a precision joystick, it might be necessary to use a ratio stick
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